Wednesday, June 4, 2014

D. Day Dead.

To all the Men and Women who died to set us free,
May the Lord Bless and Keep you, for you gave us Liberty.

These words gratefully commemorate, the courage and Love that sealed your fate,
No matter where your Bodies lie, we continue to hear your Battle Cry.

"Give us Freedom, Give us Peace", the lesson we learn from your violent release.
You gave your lives that we may be, free from the yoke of Tyranny,

The World must never ever forget, The great example that you set,
Still must all Free men strive, to keep your Memory alive,

Where 'ere Oppressors seek to tread We must stop them with our Dead,
Thank you all from we the free, for the Lives you gave to Liberty.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Nelson Mandela has left us to take the long walk home. Here was a man who comes to the world to make a difference, His contribution to the spirit of the world is immense, He joins the pantheon of the great. He stands alongside Mahatma Ghandi, Martin Luther King, John F Kennedy, Jesus of Nazareth, Mohammed, Winston Churchill and Mother Theresa to name just a few. His like comes to us rarely and He will be missed by millions. May the Creator take you in his embrace and keep you at his side always. Goodbye and thank you Madiba, The Father of forgiveness.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stone Circles

Long Meg. Lancashire

Every now and again, and on special occasions, (such as Summer and Winter Solstace), K and I like to visit the magnificent Neolithic Stone Circle, with Our Great Friends Glenn and Lyn. We all feel as though the energy present at the sight, recharges our spiritual batteries. Yesterday was such a Day. Shortly after arriving, K and I were standing next to the Outlying Stone, Long Meg (which gives the circle its name) This stone bears markings which were carved into the stone by the ancients who erected it. Visitors often leave offerings at the base of the stone and we were discussing these when we were approached by three lovely people and their three gorgeous dogs, a Yorkie, a Black Lab and a gorgeous Newfoundland Pup who was about 12 months old.

After making a fuss of the Dogs, K and I were asked what "the strange spiral carvings" meant. 
While explaining to the folks that they represented different things to different people, some think they represent the universe while others see them as representing the Circle of Life, But no one really knew. They asked if "Human sacrifice" was performed in the circle. They also came out with a few more 'observations on  Pagan or Druidic practices and Beliefs.

I find it truly staggering, that in the twenty first century, such Spiritual ignorance persists. I mean no offence to anyone, but the amount of folks who have such little understanding about Paganism I find truly staggering. 

So lets clear up a few things. 
  • The Pentagram/Pentacle are not symbols of Devil worship or Satanism, or of anything 'Evil'.  The pentacle symbolises the four Elements, Earth, Air, Fire and Water. and the upper arm of the star represents 'Spirit'. The Circle around the Pentacle turns it into a Pentagram and is merely one of the Oldest symbols of 'Protection' know to Man.
  •  Druids do not practice 'Human Sacrifice' and even Thousands of years ago probably only did so at times of great Stress such as at times of War or Famine.
Pagan's do not worship the Devil. The Catholic Church, in their own Dictionary of terms, which can be found at the Back of a Priests Bible. (or a very large, table top Bible) states and I quote. "Pagan. A none Christian. Derived from a Latin word meaning "those living in the country".pagan came into use when the cities alone had become Christian. In a narrower sense it means one who is neither, Christian, Mohammedan nor Jewish. Unquote." The Devil" does not exist in Pagan belief. He is a Judaic creation made even more important by the Christian Church.

I hope this clears up a few things. You can always let me know. Your comments would be appreciated. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Temple.

For many years, my wife K' and myself have hosted psychic/spiritual clubs and also hosted meditation and development groups. while we agree on most aspects of our individual spirituality, we by no means agree on everything. We both believe that everyone should find and follow their own spiritual path, even if that means you are essentially an atheist. 

K' is a Pagan Witch and follows a very old path; Whereas I am (I suppose) a Christian Spiritualist. I do not believe in the Christ as portrayed in the "Bible", but in the Jeshua I have come to know and love, since He 'borrowed' my body once to address a Christian Fellowship meeting I was attending. (more of that later). 

Over the past five or six years, we have come to realise that there is a need for an organisation, which promotes Spiritual understanding, but which exists only to help individuals to find their own Path and their own unique spiritual Understanding. A function which was originally supported by the Spiritualist Church, an organisation which,(much to our dismay) has decided to become another 'Mainstream Religion', and dictate the 'Rules' to everyone. If you don't practice in their exact way and follow their rules to the letter, then you are no longer welcome.

The Love and Light Temple, is our organisation, it will eventually become a registered charity, and have 'Premises', but for now exists as a web forum, where EVERYONE, can share their beliefs, and learn from others. So if you believe that you have the only answer, that YOUR beliefs are the only way to GOD, then go play elsewhere, you are not welcome here. If you come with an open mind and an open heart, then welcome Brothers and Sisters.

Listed below are the 'RULES'

Respect everyone's right to believe or not as they see fit.
Never Preach, but be willing to share your point of view.
Do no Harm!

K' and I have taught quite a few people over the years; We always begin by teaching that what we believe is ONLY our point of view, our spiritual understanding, and our individual and unique Path.

 So if you want to join an organisation that believes in Love and Light; And follows the doctrine; If what You believe gives You comfort and Harms None, then it is 'A' 'True Belief'. Welcome to our Family.